
Original article from The Washington Post The no-covid club gets more exclusive every day. And some members have no idea how they’re still there. Joe and Susannah Altman are serious poker players. Sometimes, when they play in tournaments, they’ll place what’s called a “Last Longer” bet[...]

Article courtesy of Bloomberg News About 20 years ago, mapping out a person’s genes cost about $100 million. It will soon cost $200. Illumina, the main company behind the machines that interpret genetic code, says its latest model can produce faster, more accurate results at about[...]

Article courtesy of Salon Prominent scientists in different fields say that there are clues that life could have started on the red planetOn February 18, NASA's Perseverance rover will parachute through thin Martian air, marking a new era in red planet exploration. Landing on the Jezero[...]

Article courtesy of TreeHugger Say what? Plants emit high-frequency sounds comparable in volume to normal human conversation.Imagine if your houseplant was thirsty, and it could tell you so. Chances are, it can—you just can't hear it. At least according to findings from researchers in Israel, who[...]

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