
How Long Can We Live?

Article from the New York Times Magazine ~ As medical and social advances mitigate diseases of old age and prolong life, the number of exceptionally long-lived people is increasing sharply. The United Nations estimates that there were about 95,000 centenarians in 1990 and more than[...]

Scientists Make Skin Cells Act 30 Years Younger in Breakthrough Study

Article courtesy of Nice News In a major achievement in the world of anti-aging science, researchers recently figured out a way to make human skin cells act three decades younger in a lab through genetic rejuvenation. The discovery could lead to serious advancements in wound recovery[...]

Iowa woman celebrates 115th birthday

Article courtesy of KCCI, Iowa Twenty-one presidents. Two world wars. A depression. The sinking of the Titanic. And even two Chicago Cubs World Series championships (1908 and 2016). According to the Gerontology Research Group, she is the oldest person living in the United States and the[...]

How scientists want to make you young again

Research labs are pursuing technology to “reprogram” aging bodies back to youth. Article courtesy of MIT Technology Review A little over 15 years ago, scientists at Kyoto University in Japan made a remarkable discovery. When they added just four proteins to a skin cell and waited[...]

Living to 100: One island’s remarkable record of centenarians

Article courtesy of CBS News This scene of residents gathered at an Italian café may not seem remarkable, until you know their ages; they're each 100 years old – and Guido Lepori says he's got years to go: "At least 150!" he told correspondent Seth Doane.[...]

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